The Gift of Depression

Many people do not understand that depression can be a gift. It is a signal to yourself that something needs to change. Our negative emotions can be considered a stimulus for change. Depression is a time when a person pulls away from life to go within and re-evaluate the way they are living and where they are putting their energy and values. Depression communicates that something is wrong and the subconscious is telling us to pay attention. Depression is a time to turn within, evaluate and make changes.

Unfortunately, when someone is depressed, they don’t always have the energy to make these changes. They also may be afraid to look within because it may mean they will have to make changes. Shifting your life can be frightening and this is why many people stay in a depressed state for longer than necessary. Changing a job or a relationship can feel overwhelming and depression can indicate you feel trapped or stuck. Depression is an emotion that tells you, “I cannot continue the way I have been living.”

There is fear in change. What if a person subconsciously knows their relationship is not working, but cannot admit this consciously? If they do admit it consciously, they may have to leave the relationship and they don’t feel ready to commit to this level of action. This is why we can stay in a depressed state for so long.

Therapy can be helpful in discovering why you are “stuck.” Verbally processing what you are thinking and feeling with a professional therapist can be the way out of your current state of being. Facing your “unthinkable” thoughts is the first step in helping with depression. Once you are aware of your own fears, they can be faced and dealt with before it becomes a permanent way of being. There is hope on the other side of depression and clients often say their depression was a “gift” that prompted the changes they needed in their lives.

If your depression is leading you to thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please get help immediately by calling the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Sometimes depression can be debilitating and if you are feeling suicidal, it has gone on too long and you need immediate help. Please go to the hospital if these thoughts are overwhelming and you cannot control your thoughts.

For help with depression call 661-754-3241 to make an appointment so we can explore your “gift,” and change your thinking so you can change your life. It is important to remember that feelings are signals that are important. Listening to your feelings can be the “call to change.”

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